English Education Lecturers Develop Virtual Reality Media “Metaverse” for Early Childhood

Lecturer of English Education Study Program, Achmad Yudi Wahyudin, M.Pd became a resource person in  activities to increase the capacity of  early education  personnel in developing learning media  based on virtual reality metaverse.  

The event was held on  Saturday,  September 10, 2022 at TKIT Insan Kamil Bandarjaya, Central Lampung.

This event was attended by the principal, kindergarten and early childhood teachers.

Mr. Yudi said that this activity aims to introduce  the use of Metaverse virtual reality media  for  teachers and introduce digital  literacy for  students from an early age.
The training also involved students of the  Information Systems Study Program Ridho Febriansyah.

Mr. Yudi also said that Teknokrat want to be the  leading party in  supporting the improvement of the  quality of education through the  use of technology in Lampung.  

Teachers,  learning   simulatingly  using virtual reality learning media to improve students’ understanding.

Mr. Yudi expressed his  gratitude for the  support of the foundation so that this activity ran  smoothly. The participants enthusiastically participated in this kind of activity.