Dear Partner. Thank you for your time spending a few minutes to do this survey.
Years of evaluation are 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, kindly fill the survey on years you are applicable.
Thank you.


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A. SURVEY FILLING INFORMATION (Informasi pengisi survei Section)
Provide your information according to the questions below Berikan informasi anda sesuai pertanyaan di bawah ini

Your Name*
Nama anda

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Your Mobile Phone Number*
No. Handphone anda

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Your Institution*
Institusi anda

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Your Position*
Jabatan anda

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Your Country*
Negara anda

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Types of Institution*
Jenis instansi

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Name of Partner Unit/Study Program (You can choose more than one)*
Unit yang diajak kerjasama/Program Studi (Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu)

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What Activities have been done with Faculty of Arts and Education of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (You can choose more than one)*
Kegiatan apa yang telah dilakukan dengan Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu)

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B. PARTNERSHIP SATISFACTION SURVEY (Survei Kepuasan Mitra Kerjasama)
Please provide your assessment of the satisfaction of collaborating with the Faculty of Arts and Education of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Mohon berikan penilaian anda terhadap kepuasan kerjasama dengan Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Please read each statement and choose the statement that represents your satisfaction with our partnership
Mohon memilih pada kolom sesuai dengan penilaian

The communication with Faculty of Arts and Education of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has run smoothly and accordingly*

Komunikasi Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia dengan mitra kerja sama berjalan lancar. 
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Faculty of Arts and Education of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has worked professionally and provided the best assistance to meet the need of its partners.*

Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia bekerja secara profesional dan responsif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan mitra.
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The Person in Charge for the partnership has proper competence*
Pelaksana di Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia yang terlibat dalam realisasi kerja sama memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai.

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The implementation of the partnerships benefits our institution and has been carried out as expected.*
Implementasi kerja sama yang telah dilaksanakan bermanfaat dan sesuai harapan.

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The cooperation with Faculty of Arts and Education of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will be continued in the future.*
Kerja sama dengan Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia akan dilanjutkan kembali di masa yang akan datang.

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Please write your suggestions to improve our service in cooperation.*
Tuliskan saran anda untuk meningkatkan layanan kami.

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