Undergraduate Student of Sports Education Wins Gold Medal in Archery Championship South Lampung District

The Regional Circuit Archery Championship of South Lampung Regency which was held on 28-29 May 2022 at the Perpani Field, South Lampung, was successfully conquered by Fani Fernando and Ricky Nic Kevin who both came from the Sports Education Study Program.

Fani herself got 2 Gold Medals and Ricky got 2 Silver Medals in the Individual Recurve 70 Meter Complaints and Qualification division, this proves that the hard work done by the two is extraordinary so that they are able to outperform other opponents from several districts in Lampung Province.

In line with the Archery UKM supervisor, Eko Bagus Fahrizqi, S.Pd., M.Pd., AIFO. They are both professional archery athletes who have often brought champions at provincial and national events, so there is no doubt about their skills and fighting power when competing. Apart from their flying hours, they are also very extraordinary in practicing archery from morning to evening, every day they do it in order to prepare to become the champion.

Champion Greeting 🏆


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