Yuli Santika, Student of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education (FSIP) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia won the National Champion of Hope 1 in the Journalism Infographics Competition at the University of Diponegoro Journalism Festival 2022 with the infographic title “Science and Technology, Science Influences Human Ethics”.
More than 30 major campuses in Indonesia participated in the Creative Video Competition and Yuli was one of the winners with the list of winners as follows:
1st Place: Universitas Brawijaya
2nd Place: State University of Surabaya
3rd Place: Jember State Polytechnic
1st Place Winner: Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2nd Runner Up: Diponogoro University 3rd Prize Winner: Padjadjaran University
Champion Greeting π
Come study at
Faculty of Arts and Education
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
the campus of the champion
Discipline, Quality, Creative and Innovative
to be the future generation of educators and literature
capable of mastering technology.
Online registration via
π https://spmb.teknokrat.ac.id
Offline registration:
Jalan H. ZA. Pagar Alam No. 9-11
Labuhan Ratu, Bandarlampung
βοΈ 0721-784945 / 0721-702022
Visit our official website :
π https://fsip.teknokrat.ac.id