Student of English Literature Study Program Won 3rd Place in the National Speech Competition

  • By
  • 24 November

A. Vahry Lilam, a student of English  Literature Study Program,  Faculty of Arts and  Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, won 3rd place in the Speech Competition at the National Scaled – Lampung Overland Various English Competitions (LOVEComp) event organized by English Society Unila (Eso Unila) online on  October 21-30, 2022.

A.Vahry Lilam came out as the  3rd winner which was announced on  October 30, 2022 with the theme “To See it as it is or as What it Could be”.  

A.Vahry Lilam is also active in   the Student Activity  of Teknocrat English Club (TEC) UKM Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia which is increasingly showing its existence in  English competitions   in the national arena.

Thank you Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for your support.  Hopefully, Teknocrat English Club (TEC) UKM can continue to excel.

Greetings  the Champion 

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