Student Executive Board FSIP Social Service, Ramadhan Share and Care

Student Executive Board FSIP – The Student Executive Board (BEM) and student organizations Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia held a Social Service (Baksos) with the theme ‘Ramadan Share and Care’. This social service will be held starting April 28, 2022 at the Raudatul Aitam 3 Orphanage, which is located on Jl. Abdul Mutholib, Resident of Griya Asri Block B No. 12a, Kelurahan, All Mider, Kec, Tj. Karang Barat., City of Bandar Lampung.

Head of BEM FSIP UTI, Bagas Maulana revealed that this activity is a work program of the BEM itself. The work program carried out is in the form of community service so that this activity can foster the social and humanistic spirit of students, especially FSIP UTI students. “This social service is a work program from the BEM itself, this social service activity is an activity that is really needed because it is hoped that this activity can grow the social and humanistic spirit of students, especially FSIP UTI students,” said Bagas Maulana as the new BEM Chairman. BEM and the FSIP Senate provided basic food packages in the form of noodles, eggs, oil and others. Bagas Maulana as the Chair of the FSIP BEM also added, that it’s not about how much is given but how much love we give in a gift, maybe it’s an illustration of student organizations friends in carrying out social services activities so that people can become truly human beings. in the nature of humanity itself helps to others.