Sports Education Study Program Students Win National Boxing Competition Winners

Students of the Sports Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education (FSIP) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Again Achieve Proud Achievements at the 2022 Lampung Boxing Competition National Level Championship.

This championship is a prestigious national championship organized by the Indonesian Boxing Association and will take place on 22-26 May 2022 at the Way Halim Youth Pledge Building, Bandar Lampung.

Students of the Sports Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education (FSIP) won 1st and 3rd National Places including:

– 1st Place Women’s Elite Boxer (Class 60 Kg)
Cindytia Salsabila
Sports Education Undergraduate Student

– 3rd Place Men’s Elite Boxer (67 Kg Class)
Abizar Mu’azan
Sports Education Undergraduate Student

This competition was participated by various boxing athletes from several provinces including Lampung, South Sumatra, Banten, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, and West Java.

Thank you Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for the support

Champion Greeting 🏆


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