Sports Education Student of FSIP UTI Won the National Pencak Silat of Kemenpora RI Cup

Students of Sports Education Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia won 3rd place in the National Pencak Silat Championship of Indonesian Kemenpora Cup at the Open Tournament Lampung Championship 6 which was held at GSG Unila March 8-10, 2023.
Denny won 3rd place in Pencak Silat Championship in the Men’s Adult Class B Competition category.  This championship was attended by the General and Students, where for Students was followed by participants from Jogjakarta, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, and Lampung.  

Here are the winners in the pencak silat championship:

1st place: Ahmad Dahlan University

2nd place: UIN Raden Intan Lampung

3rd place:  Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Denny is grateful for this achievement.  Because this championship was followed by participants who had good abilities and Denny was able to carve his name on the Champion Podium by winning a Bronze medal.  
Thank you Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for continuing to support and facilitate its students to continue to be able to achieve achievements in accordance with their interests and talents.