Outstanding Student of English Education Study Program

Nia Ragilia Student of English Education Program Faculty of Arts and Education (FSIP) Universitas Teknocrat Indonesia is one of the students who participated in Teknokrat Dance Student Activity and won 1st Place in the Creative Dance Competition organized by Bengkulu University in the Bengkulu University Student Art Week (PEKSEMA) National Level in 2022 and won 1st Place in the Creative Dance Competition organized by the University of Lampung in the GEBYAR AKSARA FKIP Unila – UKMF KSS Unila 2022 event.

Thank you Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for the support. Hopefully, Teknokrat Dance Student Activity can continue to excel in the next competition in the competition in the field of Dance.

Champion Greeting 🏆


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Faculty of Arts and Education

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

the campus of the champion

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