National Champion of COMENFEST 2023 News Reading Competition

Students of English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia won 2nd and 3rd place in the National News Reading Competition in Indonesian. This News Reading Competition was organized by Gunadharma University and was attended by 56 Participants entitled COMENFEST 2023 which was held online from 12-15, March 2023. The two students who won the National Champion were:

  1. Camelia – 2nd Place National Champion
  2. Rindi Nur Octavia – 3rd Place National Champion

Camelia won 2nd Place National Champion by presenting news material “Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia introduces NDN Network Technology and Metaverse at SMKN 1 Padang Cermin, Pesawaran Lampung Province”. And Rindi Nur Octavia won 3rd Place National Champion by presenting the news material “ as the favorite ticket service provider in Indonesia”. Head of English Literature Study Program as well as the supervisor of the competition, Suprayogi, S.S., M.Hum. proud of the enthusiasm and hard efforts made by his students to win the National Champion. Congratulations to Camelia and Rindi. The achievements have made Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia proud and made Lampung Province proud at the national level.