The international visiting lecture Series organized by the English Literature (SS) study program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been carried out smoothly today on April 20 at 09.00 WIB – 11.00 WIB through a zoom meeting.
The speaker in this lecture was Prof. Ahmar Mahboob from The University of Sydney with the topic “World Englishes: Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching”.
The lecture was opened and welcomed by the Dean of FSIP, Dr. Heri Kuswoyo., S.S., M. Hum. and was attended by the Vice Dean for academics Berlinda Mandasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. and the Head of English Literature Study Program Suprayogi, S.S., M.Hum. whom became the moderator in this public lecture which was followed enthusiastically by students in participating in the discussion.
Hopefully this activity could improve students’ understanding and experience in achieving the learning objectives of the course.
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