FSIP Lecturer Presents Research Results at an International Scientific Forum at Van Lang University, Vietnam

  • By
  • 29 December

Lecturers at the Faculty of Arts  and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia namely Mr. Akhyar Rido, Ph.D., and Mr. Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, M.Hum., presented the research results at an  international scientific  forum at  Van Lang University, Vietnam.   
He has successfully carried out research to study:
1) Academic digital genre: schematic structure of online lecture; and
2) An overview on virtual guest lecture in EFL classroom context: A literature review.

This research is based on the massive implementation of online learning by presenting guest lecturers or practitioners in all educational units ranging from elementary school to college  high worldwide due to COVID-19. The results  of  the study were presented at  The 3rd International conference of TESOL and Education  2022 which lasted for two days starting from December 2-3,  2022 at Van Lang University, Ho Chi minh City, Vietnam.
After  the article is presented at  the conference,  it will be published in  reputable international proceedings indexed Web of  Science (WoS) by Atlantis press, part of Springer Nature.  The conference was attended by participants from 15 countries including the USA, Japan, China, Malaysia, Italy, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, Canada, Russia, China, Thailand and Indonesia.   This conference  is a reputable scientific forum  that examines current issues in the world of education and  digital technology and provides opportunities for collaboration between researchers from various top universities  in the world.  UTI delegates have successfully presented their research at  the conference  in the presence of speakers and participants attended by no less than  500  participants.