Faculty Orientation of New Students, Faculty of Arts and Education

  • By
  • 3 September

Welcome new students of the Faculty of Arts and Education T.A. 2022/2023 at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.
Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia held a Faculty Orientation for new students who came from four study programs, namely S1 English Literature, S1 English Education, S1 Mathematics Education, and S1 Sports Education Study Program on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 09.00 until completion on the technocrat campus.
This activity  was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Study Program, lecturers, representatives of  FSIP students and  new students at FSIP. The event was opened by the Dean of FSIP, Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, M.Hum. and continued with the  presentation of academic activities by Ms. Berlinda Mandasari, M.Pd., presentation of student activities by Mr. M.  Fithratullah, M.A. and filling out KRS and student statements, campus tour and closing with a lunch together and KTM photo session.  

Through this Faculty Orientation activity, all new students are expected to be able to get to know campus life which includes academic activities, non-academic activities, campus environment and lecturers in each study program.

Welcome to join the big family of the Faculty of Arts and Education

Champion Greeting 🏆


Come study at

Faculty of Arts and Education

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

the campus of the champion

Discipline, Quality, Creative and Innovative

to be the future generation of educators and literature

capable of mastering technology.

Online registration via

🌐 https://spmb.teknokrat.ac.id

Offline registration:

Jalan H. ZA. Pagar Alam No. 9-11

Labuhan Ratu, Bandarlampung

☎️ 0721-784945 / 0721-702022

Visit our official website : 🌐 https://fsip.teknokrat.ac.id