Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) as the best private university in ASEAN, has given birth to many Alumni who take part in Private Companies and Government Agencies. Anggun Selviani is one of them, an alumnus of the English Literature Study Program who has now had a career at PT Prisma Indonesia (Samsung), Jakarta.
Anggun herself while still studying at UTI has many achievements. One of them became Runner Up III Muli Lampung Province 2020, then Best Advocacy Muli Lampung province 2020, Winner of Muli Lampung Tengah 2019, and Runner up 4 Museum Ambassador 2019.
In addition, she has also been a Speaker at the Lampung Province National Culture Seminar in 20019 and became Favorite Islamic Princess Teknokrat in 2018. Anggun is very proud to be able to study at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Campus.”
“In Teknokrat I learned a lot about the world of work starting from public speaking, meetings, how to handle clients, and being stylish. All of that I got from learning during my time at Teknokrat Campus” said Anggun.
Teknokrat Campus also teaches and supports all student activities both in the academic and non-academic fields. “Some of the achievements I have achieved have not been spared from the support and appreciation from Teknokrat campus which has made me get to this point. And don’t forget the prayer support and parental support that accompanies it,” continued Anggun.
Wow that’s cool sis @anggunselviany, I hope that the younger students especially at the Faculty of Arts and Education at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will be inspired by you gracefully and graduate with the best honors and work for a well-known company in Indonesia, amen… cheers!