Documentation of the National Visiting Lecture Series for Bachelor’s Degree of Sports Education Study Program

The National Visiting Lecture Series organized by Sports Education (PO) study program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia was carried out smoothly on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 14.00 WIB until it was finished via a zoom meeting.

This activity invited Dr. Sandey Tantra Paramitha, S.Si., M.Pd. (Lecturer at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) as a visiting lecturer. On this occasion he delivered the material on Management of Sports Organizations which was attended by PO students and the general public.

Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, M. Hum. gave a speech as Dean of Faculty of Arts and Education, while Rachmi Marsheilla Aguss, M.Pd. (As a lecturer in sports management courses) became the moderator during the activity. Hopefully this activity can improve students’ understanding and experience in achieving the learning objectives of the course.

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