Documentation of Monthly Seminar of English Literature Study Program

The Monthly Seminar organized by the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia has been held smoothly on March 17, 2023 at 13.30 WIB – 15.30 WIB through a zoom meeting.

The speaker at this lecture was Dr. Elvi Citraresmana, M.Hum. Padjajaran University lecturer with the topic “Investigating Lexical Concept and Semantic Representation of Covid-19 Corona Virus Corpus: A Corpus-Based Study” and Akhyar Rido, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. Lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia with the topic “Reflections on Online Interaction in English Language Classrooms in Indonesia During Covid Pandemic: A Literature Review”.

The lecture was opened and welcomed by the Head of English Literature Study Program Suprayogi, S.S., M.Hum. and This public lecture was attended by enthusiastic students.

Hopefully this activity can increase students’ understanding and experience in achieving course learning goals.