Benefits of Implementing Project Based Learning Methods

Project-based learning creates opportunities for students to apply speaking skills in real-world situations. By having them take on the role of a marketing team that must present a product in English, students are directly involved in a context that allows the development of speaking skills. Presenting products or ideas prepares them to communicate effectively in business situations or everyday life. Thus, this equips them with invaluable skills to face future career challenges.

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Project-based learning not only provides authentic situations for speaking, but also encourages students to develop creativity in expressing their ideas. They are not only tested on verbal skills, but also on how they package ideas in an engaging and persuasive way. This ability involves the use of a variety of language styles, expanding vocabulary, and increasing students’ self-expression. By having the challenge of conveying ideas in an interesting way, students are indirectly trained to become stronger and more effective communicators.

Practical Contexts Promote Authentic Speaking Skills

Project-based learning also gives students the opportunity to present their projects publicly. When students are required to speak in front of a class or a wider audience, they learn to control their nervousness and put together an effective presentation. In this process, they are also taught to consider the audience’s responses and reactions, providing valuable experience in speaking in front of others. This helps them gain the important skill of speaking persuasively and convincingly, which is a key aspect of effective speaking skills.

Collaboration in Project Based Learning

Project-based learning not only teaches students in an individual context, but also encourages collaboration between them. While working in groups to complete project assignments, students learn to communicate effectively with each other. They are taught to listen to the opinions of other group members, explore ideas together, and resolve differences of opinion constructively. This process builds interpersonal communication skills that are very necessary in the work environment and everyday life.

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Collaboration on these projects also allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of teamwork. They learn how to value individual contributions, divide tasks efficiently, and consider the strengths of each team member. This not only improves speaking skills in a group context, but also teaches them values ​​such as cooperation, leadership, and shared responsibility. Thus, project-based learning not only hones speaking skills, but also shapes students to become individuals who are able to work collaboratively in teams.