Akbar Wendi Sulistyo – Won a National Gold Medal at the 2022 FLIPPER CUP National Swimming Championship

  • By
  • 14 December

Akbar Wendi Sulistyo,  a student of Sports Education  Study Program, Faculty of Arts and  Education managed to reach a National  Gold Medal at the  2022 Flipper Cup National Swimming Championships which was attended by participants from several provinces   (West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, Medan, Bengkulu, Lampung, and  Jambi )

Akbar Wendi Sulistyo who is a student of the Teknokrat Swimming Community class of 2022, won 3  GOLD Medals in  3  Swimming Style categories,  namely:
1.   1st Place in National 50M swimming butterfly style
2.   1st place in the National 50M  Freestyle swimming
3.  1st Place in the  National 50M  Backstroke Swimming

Thank You for the  Support from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who have been given to  students in order  to develop their potential.

Greetings  the Champion 

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Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

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