S1 Mathematics Education


In 2025, it becomes a center for education and development of superior educators in Sumatra and international standards with graduates who are competent in the field of mathematics teaching, entrepreneurial spirit, competitive, and noble character based on science and technology.


  1. Organizing a quality Mathematics Education Study Program through a curriculum that synergizes with the world of work and is supported by technological and information excellence;
  2. Develop research in the field of teaching and mathematical sciences and publish it at national and international levels;
  3. Carrying out community service to apply mathematical knowledge and understanding;
  4. Organizing cooperation in the field of teaching and mathematics with various parties on a local and national scale.



Graduate Profile

Profile Description according to KKNI Level 6


Mathematics Teacher

Graduates are able to carry out learning in primary and secondary education by using the National and International Curriculum based on Science and Technology (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY).


Mathematics Tutors at              Online Educational Institutions

Luulsan is able to teach at online education institutions  using cameras or other media.


Manager of Educational              Institutions

Graduates are able to plan, manage resources, and make the right decisions in the implementation of schools and educational institutions entrusted to them responsibly.


Researcher in the field of        Mathematics Education

Graduates are able to design and carry out research to produce alternative problem solving in the field of mathematics education as well as publish the results.


Statistical Data Analyzer

Graduates are able to process and analyze data and interpret it into information accurately with the help of science and technology (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY).

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