S1 English Education


“In 2025, it will become a center for education and development of superior educators in Sumatra and with international standards with graduates who are competent in the field of English teaching, competitive, noble character, and entrepreneurial spirit based on the development of science and technology”.


  1. Organizing a quality English Language Education study program through a curriculum oriented towards character education, mastery of science and technology and entrepreneurial skills .
  2. Develop research in the field of teaching and English language science and publish it at the national and international levels.
  3. Carry out community service to apply english knowledge and skills.
  4. Organizing cooperation in the field of teaching and English language science with various parties on a local, national and international scale.


Graduate Profile

Profile Description according to KKNI Level 6


Educators (Educator)

Bachelor of education who has work ability, knowledge mastery, responsibility  as an educator in the  field of English subjects at  the  secondary and upper secondary  education levels, both paths  formal and non-formal  education by designing and using multimedia, and utilizing online media either directly or indirectly (through video recording);  and have the ability to teach Indonesian to foreign speakers both at home and abroad who have good personality, transformative, knowledgeable and innovative in their fields and able to develop their profession sustainably by becoming lifelong learners.


Language Practitioner (Linguist)

Bachelor of education who has the skills to translate general texts, academic texts, and manuscripts of literary works both from Indonesian to English, as well as from English to Indonesian both orally and in writing;  and able to identify and analyze problems of quality, relevance, or access to English learning and present several alternative solutions as decision-making materials.


Entrepreneur (Edutechnopreneur)

Bachelor of education who has work ability, mastery of knowledge, managerial ability, responsibility as an entrepreneur in the field of English education who master and is able to apply the principles of program development, able to design, implement, evaluate, and improve on an ongoing basis.

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